The People

Many people assisted with the completion of this project. Sarah Thomas worked tirelessly managing the project as a hands-on administrator for many months. The work of restoring and displaying the tools was executed by many volunteers, without whom the project could not have happened and some of whom are profiled in the Volunteers section of ‘The People‘ menu. The volunteers worked alongside Walter Lloyd himself, guided by ironworkers Shaun Bainbridge and Tim Swettenham, with woodworkers Sam Robinson and Paul Girling. Icelander Orri Hjaltason was the General Roustabout. Greta Bertram, Project Officer from The Museum of English Rural Life (MERL) wrote an account of her helpful visit to the project, which you can read Here.

Particular thanks should go to the staff of English Heritage at Stott Park Bobbin Mill, who have housed the tool library, and to the Trustees and Directors of the New Woodmanship Trust (Woodmanship Limited) Edward Acland, Edward Mills, and Roger Cartwright whose initiative and careful management brought the project to a successful conclusion.
